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Sep 13, 2007

BBC: Debunked "Pancake Theory" Caused Towers To Collapse

BBC: Debunked "Pancake Theory" Caused Towers To Collapse

Paul Joseph

Prison Planet

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The BBC has been caught in another 9/11 faux pas
on the anniversary of the attacks, lending credence to a study
that validates the pancake theory as the cause of the twin towers'
collapse, despite the fact that this explanation was dismissed
by NIST itself years ago and it violates the fundamental laws
of physics.

Though the 9/11 truth movement has remained steadfast
in its conclusion that nothing other than explosives or incendiary
devices could have caused the towers to collapse in the way they
did, the "official version" has flip-flopped around
with numerous different explanations as each one was disproved.

One of those explanations became known as the "pancake
theory," an assertion that the rapid collapse of the towers
was due to the weight of each floor creating a domino effect and
pulverizing the floor below it as the collapse progressed.

The problem with this hypothesis is that
it failed to answer why support mechanisms that were completely
undamaged offered next to no resistance as the collapse unfolded,
and it violated the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

"Where is the delay that must be expected due
to conservation of momentum – one of the foundational Laws
of Physics? That is, as upper-falling floors strike lower floors
– and intact steel support columns – the fall must
be significantly impeded by the impacted mass. If the central
support columns remained standing, then the effective resistive
mass would be less, but this is not the case – somehow the
enormous support columns failed/disintegrated along with the falling
floor pans," writes Professor Steven Jones in his paper Why
Indeed Did The WTC buildings Collapse?


NIST were forced to acknowledge the weakness of
the pancake theory when they tested steel samples from the World
Trade Center.

"The results established that this type of
assembly was capable of sustaining a large gravity load, without
collapsing for a substantial period of time relative to the duration
of the fires in any given location on September 11th," concluded
NIST in their Final
Report of the National Construction Safety Team on the Collapses
of the World Trade Center Towers

However, the fact that actual scientific lab tests
of World Trade Center steel completely ruled out the pancake collapse
theory didn't stop the BBC
from lending credence to a new study
that claims "mathematics"
has shown that the pancake collapse was plausible. Exactly what these "mathematics" entail
and why they are more reliable than actual scientific lab tests
of WTC steel undertaken by NIST as well as the basic laws of physics
and gravity is not fully explained in the article.

One would think the BBC would be reticent to engage
9/11 truth again after their previous attempts at debunking left
the corporation, disgraced in light of the recent quiz fix scandal,
with a bloody nose.

A February 2007 documentary, pitched as a balanced
investigation into claims made by the 9/11 truth movement, turned
out to be a
bias hit piece characterized by outright lies, spin and emotional

Barely a week later, the BBC were forced to respond
when footage
emerged of their reporters describing the collapse of WTC 7 over
an hour before the building actually fell
- leading many to
question how the BBC and other news networks had gained advance
knowledge of what seemed to be an pre-planned script on 9/11.

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